Every Gilmore Girls’ fan knows Caesar, the funny Luke’s assistant in his diner. Now we all can celebrate because he is confirmed on Netflix’s revival, Gilmore Girls: Seasons. And to all the Brazilian fans in particular, actor Aris Alvarado shared with us some thoughts about the four-part continuation and you can get all the details in this exclusive interview below:


What did you miss the most since Gilmore Girls ended almost 9 years ago?
I missed working on the WB lot and in Luke’s diner. This was my first speaking role on TV, so it feels like a first home.

How did you feel when you were invited to go back to Stars Hollow?
I was so excited to be returning to Gilmore Girls because it was my first speaking role on TV. I had lost a lot of weight in the past years and have been have trouble establishing myself in TV/Film with my new look. So it felt like a reset on my acting career. It fells like a renaissance to be returning to Gilmore Girls because I had already booked roles on ABC’s Castle and IFC’s Maron in the beginning of this year.

How does it feel to work with Amy Sherman-Palladino, Lauren Graham, Scott Patterson and all the cast?
It feels great working with Amy and Daniel because they created this character that I had the pleasure to bring to life. I love the fact that they were directing the episodes, because I got to work directly with them and see them on set all the time. Working with the rest of the cast was also great because I got to work with cast members that I didn’t get to work with in my first run with the show. Also seeing everyone that I worked with before was a great feeling.


What was the atmosphere like while shooting the revival?
It was amazing, because it felt like I was there yesterday. They did a great job with bringing Luke’s diner back to life, so I just had to pick up where Caesar left off. The crew was mostly new with the exception of our amazing wardrobe department. I also got to work with assistant director, Matt Sheets, who I worked with in the past on the show Head Case. It set felt really fun and energized. I mean why not, we are back, baby.

What can you tell us about Caesar’s participation on Gilmore Girls: Seasons?
Caesar is doing what Caesar does cook and drive Luke a little crazy. But Caesar means well.

Is there already a date or month for the revival to premiere on Netflix?
I don’t know the air date.

What message could you send to the Brazilian fans who await the revival so anxiously?
From what I know, it is going to be worth the wait.

Hey!!! Welcome to Caesar’s, um I mean Luke’s. #gilmoregirlsrevival #gilmoregirls

Uma foto publicada por Aris Alvarado (@arisalvaradoactor) em

We can hardly wait to see what’s Caesar will being up to in Luke’s in this new season of Gilmore Girls. What about you? What do you guys want to see the most on the revival?


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